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Will it snow in Denver this weekend? Here's what we're tracking.

Get a warm Halloween costume ready. Cold air is coming to Colorado.
Credit: Nady - stock.adobe.com

DENVER — An active weather pattern could bring Denver its first measurable snowfall of the winter season, and it could perhaps lead to a few flakes flying in time for Halloween.

It's looking increasingly likely that Denver will get its first snow of the season this weekend. While it won't be a huge storm, computer models are coming into better agreement on at least some snowfall for the Front Range, including Denver. 

The system will also bring much colder temperatures to Colorado. Temperatures will drop into the 20s, maybe even the teens for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday mornings (and maybe beyond that).

A sharp cold front will move through Colorado late on Thursday, bringing a bitterly cold air mass with it. Temperatures will plunge from a high in the mid-70s on Wednesday down to a high around just 50 degrees on Friday.

But that's just the start of it. 

Computer models are still figuring out the timing on this week's storm, but at this point, it looks like the snow could start as early as late Saturday. Snow looks likely across the Front Range, including the Denver area, by Sunday. That could last into Monday, but again, the computer forecast models are still resolving the timing and exact impacts from this weekend's storm. 

Credit: KUSA
A graphic of what you need to know about next week's cold and snow for Denver.

At this time, it doesn't look like a significant snowfall for lower elevations like Denver. A slushy inch or two might be in the cards for most, although details won't come into focus until later on in the week. 

Likely, the biggest impact from this weekend's and next week's weather will be the cold. Lows could drop as low as the upper teens in the metro area (again, there's a lot of uncertainty around this), making a hard freeze a near-certainty and perhaps enough to damage sprinklers.

Winterize your homes this week if you can.

Broncos forecast

Even if it's only a bit of snow, Sunday's Broncos game against the Chiefs will likely have high impacts from this weekend's weather. Snow looks increasingly likely during the game on Sunday, with very cold temperatures as well. Highs will probably only top out in the low-to-mid 30s in Denver on Sunday, with clouds and light snow.

There probably won't be much (if any) accumulation from Sunday's snow, but we'll have more specifics as the game gets closer. But if you're heading to the game, definitely plan on wearing a thick orange and blue jacket. 


Because of the uncertainty surrounding the storm and the fact that it's more than a week away from Halloween still, an exact Halloween forecast for the Denver area remains a bit of a challenge.

However, it definitely looks cold. Depending on the timing of this weekend's storm system, it'll be in the 20s or 30s on Halloween night.

It looks dry, though. That said, you'll probably want to have a warm Halloween costume - or a winter coat underneath it!

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