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Safety concerns shut down park's ancestral Pueblo site

Mesa Verde National Park officials have decided to close the Spruce Tree House indefinitely due to rockfall concerns.

Spruce Tree House

Mesa Verde National Park officials have decided to close the Spruce Tree House indefinitely due to rockfall concerns.

The Cortez Journal reports that the announcement comes after the cliff dwelling was closed to the public in October. In November, National Park Service employees had inspected the site and removed loose material from the arch crack system.

Officials say future plans for the site include collecting geotechnical information and conducting three-dimensional computer-based analyses to complete stabilization work.

Visitors to the park will still be to see the Spruce Tree House from an overlook near the Chapin Mesa Museum.

Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in the park and the most visited. The persevered ancestral Pueblo site showcases original architecture including intact roofs, floors and original plaster designs.

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