GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. — Materials needed to replace seven bridges along the Hanging Lake Trail were hoisted into various staging areas along the trail over the weekend.
The trail near Glenwood Springs is undergoing a $4.5 million reconstruction project after it was damaged by mudslides the summer after the 2020 Grizzly Creek Fire. Debris flows in the canyon in July 2021 caused significant damage to the trail and bridges. A temporary trail was completed in June 2022 to eventually create a new, improved trail.
Work kicked off in May and it includes replacing seven bridges. On Saturday the materials needed for those bridges were flown from the trailhead to specific locations on the trail. Two flights were required to get the supplies in place for each of the seven bridges. A single load weighed up to two tons. In some cases, the old bridge materials and heavy equipment were flown to the trailhead on the return trip.
Bridge materials flown into place along Hanging Lake Trail
The bridges are being replaced to better accommodate high water and potential future debris flows. Two of them are being slightly relocated to crossing locations that provide better stream clearance, according to the U.S. Forest Service.