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Sarah Paulson on Holland Taylor: There's 'poignancy' to dating someone older

Sarah Paulson, who is currently turning in one of the most compelling performances on TV as lawyer Marcia Clark in FX's The People vs. O.J. Simpson, is about to turn 41 and is dating one Ms. Holland Taylor, who is 32 years older than her. 

When asked about her relationship recently by the New York Times, Paulson didn't find too much to be odd about the age difference in their relationship. She told the newspaper:

“There’s a poignancy to being with someone older. I think there’s a greater appreciation of time and what you have together and what’s important, and it can make the little things seem very small. It puts a kind of sharp light mixed with a sort of diffused light on something. I can’t say it any other way than there’s a poignancy to it, and a heightened sense of time and the value of time. ... I had a complicated home life, and my teachers, predominantly my theater teachers and my English teachers, were very dedicated to taking care of me in a particular way. And in doing so, I think I developed a very easy rapport with people older than myself.”

As far as Taylor herself, Paulson had nothing but glowing things to say about her romantic partner, who she called “probably the most exquisitely beautiful woman I’d ever seen.” She added:

"My choices in romantic partners have not been conventional, and therefore the idea that it is ‘other’ makes it compelling. ... What I can say absolutely is that I am in love, and that person happens to be Holland Taylor.”

Say it with us: "AWWWWWWW."



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