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Ariz. removes controversial drug from execution protocol



PHOENIX — The Arizona Department of Corrections on Friday ceded a legal battle to defense attorneys for death-row prisoners by removing a controversial drug from its lethal-injection execution protocol.

In a document filed late Friday, the department then asked a judge to declare moot a lawsuit brought against the drug’s use.

Lacking that drug or any others approved in Arizona’s official execution method, or protocol, there can be no executions in Arizona in the foreseeable future.

The drug midazolam, a relative of Valium, came into use after federal law and manufacturers’ qualms made other, more effective death drugs unavailable.

Midazolam featured in several troubling executions in 2014. Its use in Oklahoma was challenged all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. An Arizona execution using the drug took nearly two hours.


A U.S. District Court judge in Phoenix placed an injunction on executions in Arizona until all issues with the drug were vetted over the course of a lawsuit filed on behalf of Joseph Wood. Wood's July 2014 execution required 15 doses of midazolam with a narcotic until he finally died. Wood choked and gasped on the execution gurney.

The state’s remaining supply of the drug expired at the end of May. Manufacturers of that drug and others used in executions have instituted distribution controls to block sales to departments of corrections for use in executions.

On June 14, U.S. District Judge Neil Wake ordered the state Corrections Department to reveal whether it had any drugs with which to carry out future executions. And he asked the department to update the court on its litigation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which would not allow imports of another death drug, sodium thiopental, that Arizona and other states purchased from India.

On Friday, the state conceded that it did not have a usable supply of midazolam and could not obtain more. Therefore, it proposed eliminating the drug altogether from the state’s execution protocol.

"As we have said all along, midazolam is not an appropriate drug for use in executions, and this was demonstrated by the prolonged two-hour execution of Joseph Wood,” said Dale Baich of the Federal Public Defender’s Office in Phoenix. Baich is one of the attorneys representing the death-row prisoners. “Arizona now becomes the second state to abandon the experimental use of this drug in executions."


Ohio dropped midazolam as a lethal injection drug more than a year ago, after a prolonged execution there.

Lethal injection, the preferred execution method in the United States since the mid-1970s, has become less viable as the most efficient drugs have become unavailable. Supplies of thiopental, one of the crucial original drugs, ran out in 2010 when its U.S. manufacturer ceased production and foreign supplies were not approved for import by the FDA.

That year, The Arizona Republic reported that the state had sidestepped federal drug laws to import thiopental from Britain. Though it was used in executions, federal agencies and courts subsequently banned further import of the drug and confiscated existing supplies.

Nonetheless, in 2015, Arizona and three other states purchased the drug from a supplier in India. The shipment's arrival was blocked at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix by federal authorities.

Arizona officials will not tell The Republic where its appeals stand regarding the confiscated thiopental. Other states have revealed that the FDA denied administrative appeals, which would force the states to go to court if they want to argue for importing the drug. In its filing Friday, the Corrections Department said it is still awaiting a final decision from the FDA and said, "If the agency's decision is unfavorable to the department, its only recourse would be to file suit in federal district court."


The issue with midazolam, which was discussed in the U.S. Supreme Court, was whether it sufficiently blocked pain when used in a three-drug execution protocol. Midazolam is used as a sedative drug in many medical procedures, such as colonoscopies, but not as a major general anesthesia. It was used in Oklahoma and other states in a three-drug protocol, followed by a paralytic drug to stop breathing and mask movement, and potassium chloride, which stops the heart.

The U.S. Supreme Court approved its use in Oklahoma, but Wake ruled that there were other questions to investigate in its use in Arizona.

Furthermore, Wake chastised Arizona state officials for repeatedly changing execution methods at the last minute, in spite of his rulings, when there was not sufficient time for opponents to fully litigate their legal objections. Wake let the state’s last supply of midazolam pass its expiration date.

There are 118 people on Arizona's death row; no more than five have exhausted the last legal appeals between them and execution.


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