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Field of schemes? Windsor sports complex on shaky ground due to litany of legal issues

The original concept announced in May of 2017 called for a $225 million, 413-acre sports park, touted as the world’s largest sports park, to be built in Windsor.
Credit: Logan Newell/The Coloradoan

WINDSOR, Colo. — Five years after breaking ground on a massive sports complex touted to draw more than 1 million people and significant tax revenue to Windsor, the project is mired in a litany of legal issues and unfulfilled promises that threaten its future.

Some of the planned structures and fields at Future Legends Sports Complex have been completed. But construction on many of the project's main proposed facilities has either not started or is partially complete with construction at a standstill for months as the developers battle lawsuits and liens.

"The project is not where we would like it, and we would like to see it going a lot better than it is right now," Windsor Town Manager Shane Hale told the Coloradoan on Aug. 21. "But at the end of the day there has been a lot of private assets spent on this development. With the amount of money invested, it is hard to think that there won't be long-term positives even though the road has been a lot harder and slower than we would have liked."

> Read the full story at the Fort Collins Coloradoan.

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