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Web site attacks Beauprez as 'Both Ways Bob'

DENVER (AP) - If Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez thought the "Both Ways Bob" moniker would go away after primary rival Marc Holtzman dropped out of the race, he'll be sorely disappointed.

The ProgressNowAction group has started running online clips attacking Beauprez on ethics, water, spending, energy, business and health care issues. Spokesman Michael Huttner, who is e-mailing the ad to thousands of supporters, said Tuesday he wanted to wait until Holtzman dropped out of the race before launching his own Web site to avoid charges of collusion with the Republican candidate. "We're running with the ball now. We reserved this Web site weeks ago," Huttner said, crediting the theme to the Holtzman campaign. Holtzman used the slogan after accusing Beauprez of waffling on a November 2005 ballot measure asking voters to give up their tax surplus refunds for the next five years after Holtzman took a public stand against it. Beauprez said he made it clear that he also opposed the measure. Beauprez spokesman John Marshall said Beauprez is trying to run a campaign based on issues against his Democratic opponent, Bill Ritter. "I'm not going to dignify this mud with a response," Marshall said.

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