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Report details officers leaving woman in patrol car hit by train

In September, officers pulled over a 20-year-old in Weld County after a man said she pointed a gun at him during an alleged road-rage incident.

PLATTEVILLE, Colo. — A police report is offering more details about the call that eventually led to officers leaving a woman in a patrol car that was hit by a freight train. Last month, officers pulled over a 20-year-old woman in Weld County after a man said she pointed a gun at him during an alleged road rage incident. 

The documents say police did find a gun in Yareni Rios-Gonzalez's car. They did not share much about why they left her stuck on the tracks allowing her to be hit by a train. 

Officers in their reports say they found a handgun and a couple rounds of ammunition in her car. The 911 caller told police Rios-Gonzalez was tailgating him, and then she pointed a gun at him for about 10 seconds. 

Rios-Gonzalez's attorney claims the caller was the aggressor, and he was speeding and slamming on his brakes, and his client was afraid for her life.

A Platteville police officer came in to help two Fort Lupton cops on this call.   Officers detained Rios-Gonzalez and they put her in a Platteville Police patrol car on the tracks. Shortly after – a train slammed into the car injuring her. 

The police report said a Fort Lupton officer was crying and shaking on the scene. 

In a 25-page report about the alleged road rage incident, there's very little information about the crash. It doesn't explain why a Platteville cop parked the patrol car right on the tracks. 

A law enforcement officer in California who reviews serious internal investigations across the country said the lack of detail isn't surprising.

"They have probably been advised – just speculating here – advised not to incriminate themselves in this matter especially when you have potential criminal charges looked into," said Ed Obayashi.

Legal experts and the Weld County District Attorney have indicated police could face charges. There are multiple investigations going on here – the alleged road rage incident and the collision.

Since the train crash is under a separate review that could be another reason why the report doesn't talk about the officers' actions at the train tracks in detail.

The district attorney still hasn't announced whether Rios-Gonzalez will face charges in the road rage case.

She's out of the hospital now and healing from nine broken ribs and other injuries.




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