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Report: Colorado ranks 2nd in nation for hail damage claims

A new report by the National Insurance Crime Bureau places Denver as second in the nation for hail related insurance claims.

<p>Hail in Colorado </p>

A new report by the National Insurance Crime Bureau places Denver as second in the nation for hail related insurance claims.

Last year, Coloradans filed over 180,000 in hail loss claims. Only Texas had more, with an estimated $394,000 in claims.

Since the majority of severe weather and storm damage in Colorado happens between May and July, Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association Executive Director Carole Walker suggests making sure you’re prepared for hail storms ahead of time.

“That means taking a look at that policy, doing an annual spring cleaning of it and making sure you know what you're coverages are -- how much insurance you have, what your deductibles are, and know what your insurance covers and what it doesn’t,” Walker said.

Getting comprehensive coverage for your car -- which covers hail and flood damage is also recommended. And if you’re in the market for a new roof, Walker suggests looking into hail resistant materials.

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