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Colorado food bank sees unprecedented demand for emergency food boxes

In all of 2023, Weld Food Bank distributed 55,000 emergency food boxes. This year, they're on pace to hit 100,000 by the end of June.

WELD COUNTY, Colo. — The need for food is rising dramatically across Colorado. 

Weld Food Bank's CEO Bob O'Connor said they're breaking records they wish they weren't. 

In May, they distributed 10,000 emergency food boxes for people in immediate crisis, an all-time high. He said it usually takes them four months to give out that many. 

"It's busy like this, unfortunately, every day," O'Connor said. 

O'Connor said sometimes the line at Weld Food Bank in Greeley can stretch for a mile and families start lining up early. 

Credit: 9NEWS - Joe Swanson
People line up for food distribution at Weld Food Bank in Greeley.

"Every program is seeing a large increase," he said. 

In 2023, the Weld Food Bank said it distributed 55,0000 emergency food boxes. According to O'Conner they are on pace by the end of June to be hitting over 100,000.

He said a lot of the people utilizing their emergency food program are using a food bank for the first time. For others, it's been a lifeline for years. 

"It helps with so much, just nutrition, there's always something I can reach for," said Karen Harclerode. 

Credit: 9NEWS - Joe Swanson
“All costs have gone up," said Harclerode. "It’s just frustrating."

She said receiving a box of food helps keep her afloat. 

"I got fruits, vegetables," she said. "I got a box that keeps me pretty much all month." 

Skyrocketing costs across the board make it difficult for her to afford groceries. 

"Gas is so high," she said. "That's why I pretty much stay in one place."

Each day, 50 to100 volunteers serve their neighbors at the Weld Food Bank. 

Credit: 9NEWS - Joe Swanson
Volunteers bring out food boxes to families at Weld Food Bank in Greeley.

"They're great," said Harclerode. "They're the best."

It's the generosity of volunteers and donors that keeps kids and families fed. 

"When you see people needing help, it is really important that you help stabilize their lives and help get them through that rough patch," O'Connor said.

You can help families and kids by donating to 9Cares Colorado Shares, which benefits four local food banks in Colorado, including Weld Food Bank. 

Every dollar contributed through the 9Cares Colorado Shares food drive helps provide three nourishing meals. 9Cares Colorado Shares will run through June 9.


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