Before you roll your eyes and go on a rant on how obvious the pronunciation of Arvada is, how do YOU say it?
We here at Next got several emails from viewers with conflicting answers.
It's already sparked some debates on Facebook.
"AR-VAD-A. Like bad. Just like it's ColoRADo," Natosha Cooke writes.
"It's the second one, as in AR-VAH-DA, which art in Heaven," Marilyn Smith Davis writes.
"Who says ar-vay-da?" Bart McCune writes.
To clear up the confusion, we called city councilman John Marriott who has lived in Arvada his entire life.
And drum rolls please...
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It's pronounced AR-VAD-A. (Hear it for yourself in the video above)
"I think it's mostly that there are so many folks in this part of the country who have not been here for a real long time- and mispronunciations start with unfamiliarity," Councilman Marriott says. "When you have a whole bunch of people who are unfamiliar, that's sometimes how that happens."
So where did Arvada even come from?
The wife of the founder of Arvada named it after her brother-in-law, Hiram Arvada Haskin.
Arvada was founded in 1870 by Benjamin Wadsworth, and yes, Wadsworth Boulevard is named after him.
Have another name you want us to check out? Tell us the name of the city, street, county, or whatever you find in Colorado that you're confused about. Email, use Facebook or tweet us with #HeyNext.