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The 'Aurora palm tree' that once was is no more

Friday, two nationally-award winning journalists on the Next team spent part of their day trying to figure out if there really is a palm tree in Aurora.

<p>Is there a palm tree in Aurora?</p>

Friday, two nationally-award winning journalists on the Next team spent part of their day trying to figure out if there really is a palm tree in Aurora.

Because we're working for you, people, and you wondered if the Reddit post about "the rare Aurora palm tree" was for real.

The Rare Aurora Palm Tree from Denver

We found the house in Aurora with our journalism skillz, and this is what the tree actually looks like today - just a stump. No palm tree.

We're also pretty sure this photo showed a trimmed top of a pine tree all along.

Next knocked on the door, and rang the doorbell. No answer.

Believe it or not, you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. Unless it's from Next, obviously.

See anything weird around town, or the internet, that you'd like us to check out? Let us know with #HeyNext

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