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Technically, a mailbox bolted to a sidewalk is legal

Don, a Next viewer, wrote to say that he's a quadriplegic and he's pretty sure that's a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

We first posed this Next Question on Friday.

Why in the world is the Postal Service bolting down mailboxes taking up half of Denver sidewalks?

The Postal Service says this is typical.

Don, a Next viewer, wrote to say that he's a quadriplegic and he's pretty sure that's a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Don, we went out to check for sure, and there is exactly 36 inches of space left. That's the minimum allowed under the ADA.

So, it's legal.

A disability advocate told us that doesn't make it right.

"It feels very obvious to see that that would cause an impediment, and that people who use wheelchairs might not be able to get through, or certainly not easily. One of the things that makes it hard, is when there’s barriers like this, it puts people in the position of always being in the way, and that makes it harder to really truly integrate into society," Julie Reiskin, the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition director, told us.

If you see something around town that raises a question, let us know. We'll get you an answer.

Don't worry if it's a big deal or a smaller thing. A sidewalk might seem like a small issue, unless you're Don, trying to maneuver through the minimum space allowed by law.

Email us or get our attention with the hashtag Hey Next.

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