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Enterprising Colorado kids adapt business to pandemic with touch-free lemonade stand

The Guffey Brothers have fought road blocks to serve lemonade to their neighbors before and now not even a global pandemic will stop them.

DENVER — The Guffey Brothers have fought hurdles to serve lemonade before. Two years ago, a complaint to Denver Police forced them to shut down because the now- nine, six, and four-year-olds were operating without a permit. 

Their mom, Jennifer Knowles, helped them advocate at city hall and the state legislature, and they ended up getting laws changed so that children can operate lemonade stands permit-free. 

This summer they've been up against a new challenge. COVID-19 forced them to get creative in order to continue pouring lemonade for their neighborhood.  

"Once you start, you can't really stop with this sort of thing," Ben Guffey, one of the brothers, said. 

To safely serve their summer special, Ben, William and Jonathan stand behind plexiglass, pour the lemonade into a funnel, and the drink flows through a tube and into their customer's cup. 

"So we came up with this contraption of items we had around our house and here we are with a contact-less lemonade stand," their mom said. 

RELATED: Denver family helps change lemonade stand rules

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This isn't just a business to the kids, either; they're trying to raise $1,000 for those fighting COVID-19 at Children's Hospital Colorado. 

"Not all patients have the resources or the insurance or everything else that's really needed, so we're raising money to support that effort so we can take care of all children who have this disease," their dad Patrick Guffey said. 

If you want to help them reach their goal, you can find their GoFundMe page here.

But raising money isn't the only thing the Guffeys want to do. 

"We want to show that kids can help kids," Knowles said. "This lemonade stand was these kids idea and they wanted to show that even in the midst of a pandemic we can all help." 

The boys said they don't mind if other kids use their idea, they just want everyone to stay safe while they operate their lemonade stands

"It's ok to copy us, you don't need a copyright," Ben Guffey said. "Try to incorporate some plexiglass somewhere in it."

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