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Are those speed checked by aircraft signs legit?

Short answer: Don't speed if you see one of these signs.
Credit: Courtesy Gregory Effinger

KUSA – This week’s Next Question comes from a viewer named Greg. He writes:

"I've driven by this sign since I turned 16 [see above]. Now, 28 years later, I'm a pilot, and know the cost of keeping 'aircraft' in the air. I still drive by the same sign on a regular basis (Routt county). Is it outdated, or is law enforcement still using aircraft to monitor our speed?"

Colorado State Patrol said yes, the sign is still accurate, and yes, CSP still uses a plane to help patrol roads.

They look for cars that are speeding or driving dangerously. Typically, the plane is used to check things out from the air (duh).

In addition, there are a few cars or motorcycles on the ground that get their information via radio to pull someone over and cite them.

Of course, the aircraft tracking speeders do other things … like transport the governor to helping with search and rescue missions.

Long story short? Don’t speed on a road with a sign where speed is checked by aircraft … because CSP still does it.

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