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SI's Rick Reilly riled up about Barry Bonds coming to Coors Field

Rick Reilly, famed Sports Illustrated columnist and bestselling author, is never one to shy away from pointed words and opinions. For Thursday's 6:20 Sidebar, Reilly talked to Susie Wargin about his new book and his strong dislike of Barry Bonds and his career home run quest.

<"i'm starting="" a="" campaign="" for="" everyone="" in="" denver="" not="" to="" go="" to="" the="" games,"="" reilly="" said,="" referring="" to="" bonds="" and="" the="" giants="" coming="" to="" town="" for="" a="" four-game="" series="" starting="" may="" 10th.="">

"Clean out your gutters, change your tires, knit sweaters out of your belly button lint… don't watch this guy because what he did was wrong. He cheated to do this."

Before venting about Bonds, Reilly spoke about "Hate Mail from Cheerleaders and other Adventure from the Life of Reilly." The book features a forward from Lance Armstrong and is a collection of Reilly's favorite columns from the last 6 years including:

- "Nothing But Nets", where he teamed up with the UN Foundation, encouraging any reader who has ever gotten a thrill by throwing, kicking, knocking, dunking, slamming, putting up, cutting down or jumping over a net to donate $10 for the purchase of an anti-malaria bed net for families in Africa.

- "The Hero and the Unknown Soldier," Reilly's moving tribute to late NFL star Pat Tillman, who lost his life while serving in Afghanistan

- "It's Men Just Being Men," Reilly's funny first-hand account of appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss "Why Men Go to Strip Clubs and Other Burning Questions."

A portion of proceeds from the sales of the book will go to Nothing But Nets, which is a grassroots campaign initiated by Reilly to send anti-malaria bed nets to Africa. Over 600,000 insecticide-treated bed nets have been purchased since his May 2006 column.

"Hate Mail from Cheerleaders" is currently available at bookstores and on-line.

To watch Susie's interview with Rick and for more information about Nothing but Nets, please see the links to the left of this article.


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