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A Red Rocks workout for beginners

Here's a Red Rocks workout that won't scare the heck out of you. 

<p>Jamie Atlas and Steve Staeger run up stairs for fun. </p>

When you think of working out in Colorado, many of our parks, recreation centers and mountains may offer a variety of options, but one stands out above them all, a place that when mentioned strikes fear into the hearts of couch dwellers everywhere: Red Rocks.

If you've ever been then you already know the feeling, standing there surrounded by some of Colorado's finest athletes, bounding up stairs, hurdling planter boxes and performing all manner of gravity defying feats you might expect to see in a Broncos preseason conditioning camp.

So how dare I, the somewhat overweight, significantly out of shape and thoroughly intimidated Steve Steager dare to enter these hallowed grounds?

At least Red Rocks is a pretty place to suffer!&nbsp;

It turns out, Red Rocks isn't just for superhumans. Regular humans can show up as well. It turns out, Red Rocks is actually for everybody.

I brought along Denver personal trainer Jamie Atlas to show me what I can do right now and how to build up from my current state to 'somewhat athletic'.

The Red Rocks 'Staeger Supercircuit'. Four exercises to be completed as a circuit, then repeated until an adequate amount of self-pity or heavy breathing has occurred (Jamie Atlas recommends exercising for at least 20 minutes to get the best return on time invested).

Steve Staeger pulls himself up a stair.&nbsp;

Exercise 1: Stair Runs

You can complete these either two at a time, one at a time, sideways or one step at a time. Complete 10-20 steps then return back one step at a time, being safe as you return to your starting position.

Exercise 2: Water bottle squat with press

Squat down keeping your weight in your heels. As you stand, press your weight (or gallon sized water bottle) to the sky. Be sure to keep your chest tall and breathe out as you stand for good squatting form.

Exercise 3: High knee drive

Place one foot up high on a step in front. Then, keeping the torso tall and the chin up, drive the other knee high, keeping your weight in the grounded heel. Return to the start but do not remove the grounded foot from the step in front. Repeat for 10-20 reps then change legs.

Exercise 4: Split leg drop squats

This exercise challenges both your muscles and your balance ability. Keep your chest tall and your back straight and place your leg behind you on a step. With the weight in the front heel, drop down vertically then return (keeping the back foot on the step behind). Repeat for 10-15 repetitions, being sure to keep your weight (or water bottle) at chest height.

Jamie Atlas says that as with any exercise program, be sure to work within your limits. Choose the workout intensity that feels right for you and aim to increase the intensity by no more than 10 percent each time you work out. He notes that you'll find you'll get consistent results with minimum risk of injury. Which is important for all of us, no matter what our fitness levels are.

Jamie Atlas often appears on the Workout Wednesday morning show, owns a personal training studio in downtown Denver and has eight times been voted Denver's top personal trainer. You can contact him with questions on this segment or anything health or fitness related at www.jamieatlas.com or jamie@jamieatlas.com

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