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Latino/a Advocacy Day highlights need for representation, equitable legislation

The three-day event ended with a rally at the Capitol with the group elevating legislation to benefit underrepresented communities.

DENVER, Colorado — Hundreds of community members lobbied legislators at the Colorado Capitol on Monday during Latino/a Advocacy Day, organized by Voces Unidas and COLOR Latina. 

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“Since, 2007, more than 5,000 Latinas and Latinos have participated in our advocacy day," said Alex Sánchez, President and CEO of Voces Unidas. 

The 18th annual event is an opportunity for community members to voice their policy concerns and priorities to their state representatives and senators. 

"The past two days were filled with learning about the policies, how to talk to their legislators, and the importance of community and movement building," said Dusti Gurule, President and CEO of COLOR Latina. 

More than half of this year's participants traveled from outside of Denver to attend. 

"We are working towards economic justice by supporting a bill that establishes a permanent earned income tax credit and puts money back in the pockets of those who need it most," said Sánchez, describing some of the bills they are advocating for. "We are supporting legislation to reduce air pollution and health impacts in communities where many Latinos and Latinas live." 

Sánchez said their annual Latino Policy Agenda report is based on the single largest poll of Latino voters in Colorado. It is released every September. Results of the policy agenda report inform LAD's policy priorities, which were highlighted during the rally. 

This year, the group is advocating for seven bills, based on the poll and feedback from community members: 

  • HB 24-1338, related to environmental justice 
  • HB  24-1323, allowing students at graduation ceremonies to wear objects of cultural or religious significance 
  • HB 24-1298, regarding protections for mobile home residents 
  • SB  24-94, creating additional protections for residential tenants 
  • HB 24-1098, regarding what constitutes a just cause eviction 
  • SB 24-34, regarding access to school-based healthcare 
  • HB 24-1134, creating adjustments to existing tax expenditures 

"The immigrant experience really unites us. But it doesn’t matter what country we come from -- Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, Colombia -- that we are all united in the experiences, that we want to look for a better future. We want opportunities and resources for kids," said Rep. Elizabeth Velasco, the first Mexican-born legislator in Colorado and Co-Chair of the Latino Caucus. "Here in Colorado, that is what we are fighting for every day at the legislature." 


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