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Another recall petition launched against Gov. Jared Polis

Organizers of last year's recall effort held a press conference on the west steps of the Capitol, claiming they had collected more than 300,000 signatures.

DENVER, Colorado — Second verse, not quite the same as the first.

Barely a year after an effort to recall Gov. Jared Polis fell woefully short of its 631,266-signature goal, some of the same folks are at it again.

>> The video above is from last year's recall effort.

RELATED: Effort to recall Jared Polis falls short of 631,266 signatures needed to make the ballot

A petition to recall the governor was filed on Monday, and as first reported by The Colorado Sun, this time, it's over his use of executive authority.

The recall petition filed with the Secretary of State's office cited the following reasons for the recall:

  • Polis "abused his emergency power by exceeding the scope of his powers under Colorado's Disaster Emergency Act by issuing a Disaster Declaration through executive order as a vehicle to legitimize confining residents to their homes, forbidding travel, closing businesses and mandating wearing of masks thereby depriving citizens of liberty and property without due process of law."
  • Polis spent $1.6 billion in CARES Act funds without consultation with the General Assembly
  • Polis issued an executive order to allow petition signatures to be collected online. The Colorado Supreme Court threw out the order on July 1.
  • Through his "Stay at Home" executive order on March 25, Polis "explicitly discriminated against houses of worship" and violated the First Amendment's free exercise of religion clause.

>> Click here to read the full story at Colorado Politics

RELATED: A look at Gov. Polis' executive orders related to the pandemic


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