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Is there a hubcap heaven?

DENVER - Treva Ochoa says she can sympathize with the people who likely received the jolt of their lives near the intersection of Quebec and Cherry Creek Drive.

She says she too has felt the biting sting of a nasty pothole.

"I think if I had false teeth, they'd fall out," she joked. "You don't have a chance. You're going to hit something."

Yet even she is a tad impressed with the wreckage that lies next to the pothole on Quebec.

"It's a yard sale," she said.

At noon on Wednesday, she could spot 20 hubcaps sitting right next to the road.

"It's a safety hazard at this point," said Ochoa.

For motorists unfortunate enough to not see the pothole as they cross over it, it's a sad and jarring reminder of just how bad some of Denver's roads are right now.

"I've never seen it like this," said Jane Withers.

Withers, better known in Denver as "Hub Cap Annie," says her customers are clearly running into a lot of potholes.

"There are so many all over Denver," she said.

Withers says she hadn't heard about the mess on Quebec but figures she'll swing by the area on her way home soon. She doesn't want to see the hubcaps, she simply wants to see the hole.

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