Harlan was convicted in the 1994 rape, beating, torture and killing of 25-year-old Rhonda Maloney. A woman who tried to rescue Maloney from Harlan was shot and paralyzed from the chest down.The Court ruled that because jurors used a Bible in death penalty deliberations, they were unduly swayed towards the death penalty because of Bible phrases like "an eye for an eye." "This was a miniscule part of deliberations," says Grant. Jurors are not permitted to take any materials in with them during the death penalty deliberations."I'm disappointed to see that the Court would supersede the will of the jury and the people of Colorado regarding the death penalty on such a technicality," said Gov. Bill Owens after the decision was announced.Jacquie Creazzo, the woman who was paralyzed by Harlan while trying to rescue Maloney, told 9News, "It doesn't matter to me whether he lives or dies, as long as he never gets out." Thornton Police Chief Jim Nursey told 9News, "With the alternative sentence of life without parole, Robert Harlan will have to spend the rest of his life in unpleasant, monotonous confinement where he can ponder the evil of what he has done. If he chooses not to so ponder this evil, at least he will be in confinement, where he can not visit any more despicable cruelty upon the members of society."Maloney's body was found a week after the kidnapping. Harlan had discarded it under a bridge.
Court overturns death sentence for Robert Harlan, 9Wants to Know has reaction
DENVER - The District Attorney who tried convicted killer Robert Harlan says, "Harlan is a poster child for the death penalty." Former District Attorney Bob Grant disagrees with the State Supreme Court's decision Monday that overturned the death penalty for Harlan.