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Elizabeth man dies in skydiving accident

“Everyone that Jake met, he lit up the room with them. He made an impact. They fed off his energy and his love and compassion," Jake Todd's brother Bryan said.

ELIZABETH, Colo. — A family in Elizabeth is remembering their loved one who was killed in a freak skydiving accident. 

Jake Todd, 36, went skydiving more than 100 times in 2023 alone, but a trip to Texas for a big skydiving event was his last. 

His father Dave Todd told 9NEWS Jake hit a wind current on the way down that caused the parachute to tangle up. He died after he was unable to get to his reserve parachute.

Sunday, loved ones laid Jake to rest. 

“It's a village, and today validated that," Dave said. "Childhood friends showed up. Coaches showed up. Teachers showed up."

Jake was an avid skydiver.

“It did just start out as a whim,” Dave said.

His brother, Bryan Todd, said that's all it took.

“He really was hooked from the first jump,” Bryan said. 

Credit: Bryan Todd

Jake’s family said anyone who came across him knew all he wanted to do was live life to the fullest. 

“More than seeking thrill, they're out there embracing life and life’s experiences,” Dave said.  

“Everyone that Jake met, he lit up the room with them. He made an impact. They fed off his energy and his love and compassion for life and his daughter. He emanated that,” Bryan said.  

Dave said Jake's 9-year-old daughter Jeune has already been skydiving, and will always cherish her memories with her dad. 

“Her comment was ‘I love my daddy, and my daddy will always live in my heart,’” Dave said.  

“Any time you see a tragedy, what you want to try not to do is ask ‘why?’ because ‘why?’ opens up the opportunity for a lot of hollow answers,” he said.  

Instead, the family is focusing on how they will remember Jake.

“Living to be who you are. Just embracing yourself,” Bryan said.  

“Be cheerful. Walk out the door with smiling eyes. See the positive in things. See the opportunity in things. Love people,” Dave said.


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