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Convicted officer in Elijah McClain's death pleads for jail release, cites health and safety concerns

Former Aurora officer Randy Roedema was sentenced to a jail work-release program. His attorneys said he fears “physical attacks” and suffers from anxiety.

ADAMS COUNTY, Colo. — Court records reveal the sole officer convicted in the death of Elijah McClain hopes a judge will let him serve out his sentence with home detention rather than in a jail work release program.

Randy Roedema is serving a 14-month work release program in jail after an Adams County jury convicted him of criminally negligent homicide and third-degree assault for his actions in Elijah McClain’s death. Two other officers who were charged in the case were found not guilty.

“Defendant Roedema’s PTSD is increased due to a constant fear of being attacked and feeling as though other inmates want to hurt him due to his prior law enforcement service. Roedema’s law enforcement background makes him a target for physical attacks, more so than the average inmate,” Roedema’s attorneys wrote in a motion filed on May 29. 

Roedema, who began serving his work-release jail sentence in March, hopes the judge will allow him to serve the remainder of his sentence through home detention because he suffers from PTSD after getting shot during combat in Iraq in 2007.

“Over the course of his time in work Release, defendant Roedema has had his anxiety increase significantly to include anxiety attacks …,” attorneys wrote while also claiming he lost “30 pounds due to stress.” 

In a response to the request, the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, which prosecuted the case, wrote in a motion that District Court in Adams County doesn’t have jurisdiction to reconsider Roedema’s sentence because of his current appeal. 

“... jurisdiction over this matter remains with the Court of Appeals, leaving this Court without jurisdiction to consider defendant Roedema’s motion,” attorneys for the Colorado Attorney General’s Office wrote. 

According to the court calendar, the judge is expected to review the case and could make a decision on Roedema’s request this month.

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