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Here's what Denverites want to see transformed downtown

Residents give two cents on potential projects to be funded through special district.
Credit: 9NEWS
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DENVER — About 1,700 people who live and spend time in Denver's downtown cast informal votes this summer about how they would like to see a proposed $500 million infrastructure infusion shape the city's core.

The highest priorities among respondents concerned new development, such as adapting underused buildings, more housing options and integrating different modes of transportation.

The anticipated $500 million would come with the expansion of a special district in downtown Denver that voters in the area will be asked to consider this fall. The district boundaries today encompass just Union and Market Street stations, but a district expansion would allow the city government to use the tax revenue from the two redeveloped areas to fund or create incentives for projects across a larger swath of downtown.

The survey about what should be done with the money, conducted by the city of Denver from May through June, was part of the what the city says is an effort to incorporate community desires in future plans.

Respondents' top priority was finding ways to repurpose unused buildings, according to the results.

> Read the full story at the Denver Business Journal.

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