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'Denver Dog Whisperer' gives tips on training your pet

KUSA - Adopting a dog comes with a lot of challenges and it is important that potential dog owners are prepared.

Titus says find the right dog for your lifestyle is one of the most important factors when choosing a dog.

"The right match is really going to depend on your lifestyle. Do you want a couch potato; do you want a lapdog; do you want a dog that's going to go out and run and play with you?" Titus said.

Titus recommends doing your homework to determine which breed will blend best with your current lifestyle.

But finding the right dog doesn't mean training will be easy. Titus says the dog's background is also important to understand.

"When it comes to puppies you know we're talking about eight weeks on the planet for these dogs. So, that's going to be a huge step for dog owners to understand... you are starting everything, everything from scratch," Titus explained. "When you adopt an older dog, who knows what they've been through. You have to be very patient and take your time in training the older dogs that are new to your family."

When it comes to training dogs Titus says the most important things are love, affection and lots of patience.

He has found that to be especially true while training 9NEWS Entertainment Reporter Kirk Montgomery's new puppy, Joey.

Titus says Kirk and Joey are two peas in a pod but the challenges with training this duo come more with the owner than the dog!

"Joey is the easy part, Kirk is the hard part. When they came to class, Kirk's favorite line was, 'Oh God I don't know if I can do this.' And I said, 'Kirk, you're doing fine. Joey's happy, you're happy, you guys are just going to melt together and be fine.' So training Kirk is the hard part. Joey's a breeze but Kirk is the one we're working with," Titus jokingly added.

But Titus says Kirk is really committed to Joey and while he may be nervous in class he is doing what any good owner should do, taking the lessons home and doing lots of a practice.

Titus is known in the area as the "Denver Dog Whisperer." He has 20 years of experience as a K-9 police officer and dog trainer. Visithttp://www.alamedaeast.com/animallodge/al_services_training.aspto contact Titus. />

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