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Colorado reacts to church shootings

From lawmakers to community members, many Coloradans are expressing their grief, outrage and condolences in the wake of a shooting at an historic black church in Charleston, S.C. on Wednesday night.
Denver-area churches held prayer vigils Thursday night in response to the shooting that left nine people dead.

DENVER - From lawmakers to community members, many Coloradans are expressing their grief, outrage and condolences in the wake of a shooting at an historic black church in Charleston, S.C. on Wednesday night.

Denver-area churches held prayer vigils Thursday night in response to the shooting that left nine people dead.

A vigil was held at the Shorter Community AME Church. Pastor Timothy Tyler said church members prayed for the victims and talked about ways they can be safe. Tyler says he knew the pastor who was killed and said he was an activist in the fight against racism.

The Episcopal Diocese of Colorado says St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Denver's Park Hill neighborhood is held a prayer vigil earlier in the evening. The Lutheran and Episcopal congregations jointly hosted the vigil.

A Colorado lawmaker drove to a Denver AME church overnight to post a simple note on their door.

Mike Johnston, a Democratic Colorado State Senator, drove to Shorter African Methodist Episcopal Church and posted a note with, "Dear Pastor Tyler and Elders of the AME Church," written on the front of it:

Many took to social media to express their emotions:

This makes me sick to my stomach. The evil in this world. These poor poor people and their families. Absolutely tragic and senseless. May God's grace cover this church and community. His children are with Him now - Staci Payne

My sincerest apologizes to the family's who had members stolen from them in this senseless act of deplorable violence. May you find comfort and peace - Sam Palmer

RIP prayers for the victims families.. Tragic loss for no reason. Pure evil running through that young man's mind - Leticia Maltos

(KUSA-TV © 2015 Multimedia Holdings Corporation with The Associated Press)

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