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Boulder County church vandalized with pro-choice messages

There were also smashed windows, slashed tires and eggs smashed on some buildings.

BOULDER COUNTY, Colo. — The Boulder County Sheriff's Office is investigating after Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church was vandalized early Wednesday morning. 

“As I drove up, I saw the front signs and I saw the crosses, and as I got closer, I go 'this is way worse than I had envisioned,'" Mark Evevard, the church's Youth Director, said. 

The damage included slashed tires on the church's maintenance truck, smashed safety glass windows, smashed eggs against some of the buildings, and spray paint graffiti on the church's signs and building. Much of the graffiti conveyed a pro-choice stance. 

Credit: Mat Gaskins
Windows cracked at the Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Boulder County.

“I think it’s more of the violation that people here in the parish feel violated that somebody would do this," Evevard said. 

In the front lawn, he said, there's a large display of crosses that represent the number of abortions that they say occur each day. 

Many crosses were ripped out of the ground.

Insurance has yet to come out to the church to estimate the total cost of damages. The church has also decided to let the vandalism stand as-is at least through Sunday, in order to have the community see what happened. 

Evevard said several people in the community have already stepped up to try and help take down the graffiti, but said they'll have the cleaning done professionally out of concerns for properly preserving the building, statues and signs.

Credit: Mat Gaskins
The church's maintenance truck covered in graffiti reading, "My body my choice"

Earlier this month, the Louisville Police Department said the St. Louis Catholic Church was vandalized. 

The vandalism was described in a release as "abortion graffiti defacing the church sign, sanctuary entry doors, garden sign and the walls surrounding the building."

"It's just disappointing that's what people feel like they need to do in terms to get their message across is to vandalize," Evevard said. "We don't have to agree – but you know we have to love each other."

The Boulder County Sheriff's Office tells 9NEWS it appears several people were involved in the vandalism. 

Charges would depend on the total dollar amount of damages, which is determined as part of the investigation. Possible charges could include criminal mischief, trespassing, bias-motivated crime and defacing property.  

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