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Report: Guard attacked with pillowcase full of rocks

A guard at a state juvenile facility was severely beaten with a pillowcase full of rocks during an escape in August.
Credit: NBC
File photo of a jail cell

GOLDEN - Newly-released documents obtained by 9Wants to Know show a guard at a state juvenile facility was severely beaten with a pillowcase full of "fist-sized rocks" during an escape in August.

On Wednesday, the Jefferson County District Attorney's Office announced two of the four escapees have been charged as adults for attempted second-degree murder, escape, assault and numerous other criminal counts.

Zachary Oliver and Antoin Griego - who are both 17 - are seen on security cameras working together along with two other unnamed 14-year-old inmates, according to the affidavit obtained by 9Wants to Know.

The 14-year-old inmates are not facing charges as adults.

The escape occurred on Aug. 31 after Oliver escaped from his cell and severely beat Doug Williams, 65, over the head with a pillowcase full of "fist-sized rocks," according to the documents.

The affidavit says Oliver hit Williams nine times in the head and then kicked him in the head several times, knocking him unconscious.

The affidavit says a cell door was "cracked open" just before the attack, allowing Oliver to leave his cell.

After the attack, Oliver grabbed Williams' keys, which allowed Griego and the two other inmates to leave their cells and take several items from a faculty room, including a baseball bat.

The affidavit says the inmates were able to escape by cutting a perimeter fence with pliers and a hacksaw. It's believed the pliers and the hacksaw may have been obtained from the faculty room, the affidavit implies.

The items were found near a hole in the fence.

Hours after the escape, the juveniles were located and arrested in Wheat Ridge.

According to court records, Williams suffered a subdural hematoma, skull fracture, broken nose and several abrasions.

9Wants to Know is seeking more information about this escape. If you have any information, you can email investigative reporter Jeremy Jojola at jeremy.jojola@9news.com.

(KUSA-TV © 2014 Multimedia Holdings Corporation)

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