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Who are Colorado's 9 accused insurrectionists?

Nine men from Colorado have been implicated in the Jan. 6, 2021 siege at the U.S. Capitol.
Credit: US Court Documents
A composite photo of the five men accused of storming the U.S. Capitol during the attempted insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021.

COLORADO, USA — The insurrection at the U.S. Capitol happened on Jan. 6, 2021.

Since then, the Justice Department launched an investigation, Capitol Police added increased security measures to the building and Senate Republicans blocked a bill to form an independent commission to investigate the riot, though the House has approved a committee to conduct an investigation of its own.

Charges have been brought against more than 500 people for their alleged involvement in the insurrection; nine of the suspects are from Colorado.

Here’s a list of who they are and the allegations they face.

Glenn Wes Lee Croy, 45, of Colorado Springs

Credit: U.S. District Court documents
Glenn Wes Lee Croy, 45, of Colorado Springs faces four charges for his alleged participation in the U.S. Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021.

FBI investigators indicate in court records Croy sent a photo of himself inside the Capitol standing next to a bust of President Abraham Lincoln to someone over Facebook. The recipient of the photo then contacted authorities. 

Croy is also captured on police body cameras inside the Capitol holding a flag. 

Credit: US Court Documents
Glenn Wes Lee Croy, 45, of Colorado Springs was seen inside the U.S. Capitol holding a flag on Jan. 6, 2021, according to court documents.

RELATED: Colorado man photographed in U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 pleads guilty

Before the Capitol siege, Croy responded to Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert on Twitter when she asked “Who is going to be in DC on January 6th to stand with President Donald Trump?” 

“...fellow Coloradan we will be there,” Croy wrote. 

Croy pleaded guilty on Aug. 9 to pleaded guilty to parading, demonstrating or picketing in a capitol building during a court hearing in Washington, D.C., and sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 15.

Robert Gieswein, 24, of Woodland Park 

Credit: U.S. Court Documents
Robert Gieswein, 24, of Woodland Park is accused of coming to the U.S. Capitol with a baseball bat on Jan. 6, 2021.

Gieswein is facing some of the most serious allegations among the accused Colorado insurrectionists. 

The FBI and prosecutors have accused Gieswein of storming the Capitol with a baseball bat and attacking police officers with an aerosol spray. As he entered a building dressed in camouflage and tactical gear, he broke a $10,000 window, according to prosecutors. 

Credit: U.S. Court Documents
Robert Gieswein, 24, of Woodland Park is accused of breaking a $10,000 window at the U.S. Capitol.

During one of his court hearings, it was mentioned Gieswein worked at a home for seniors and eventually wanted to become a police officer. 

Gieswein has been indicted on six counts, which include assaulting police with a dangerous weapon. As of this publication, he remains in custody, though he did ask to be released in June. Per an investigative reporter with the NBC station in Washington, D.C., an attorney for Gieswein said in court documents that he was "unlikely to pose the same danger" again.

RELATED: Woodland Park man indicted on 6 counts related to Capitol riot appears in court Friday

The FBI has also connected Gieswein to the anti-government militia group Three Percenters.  

Gieswein is seen in a photo flashing a hand sign affiliated with the militia group while posing in front of Shooter’s Grill restaurant, which is owned by Boebert. 

On YouTube, Gieswein could be seen in militia-style training videos shooting guns and running through a forest with friends. 

The name of his militia was called the Woodland Wilddogs, however Gieswein's defense attorneys argue it was not a militia but just a group of friends who went camping together. 

Klete Keller, 38, of Colorado Springs 

Credit: U.S. Court Documents
Klete Keller, 38, is accused of being a part of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Keller was already well known as an Olympic gold medal swimmer before the Capitol siege.

On Jan. 6, Keller was captured on several social media videos of the siege wearing an Olympic-style USA jacket. People who knew Keller recognized him in the videos and reported him to the FBI. 

Credit: U.S. Court Documents
Klete Keller, 38, is accused of storming the U.S. Capitol and was seen in images posted to social media.

RELATED: Grand Jury indicts Klete Keller on 7 counts related to Capitol riots

Before the siege, Keller was reportedly working in real estate in Colorado Springs. 

Keller is currently free from custody while under a seven-count indictment for charges that include disorderly conduct and entering a restricted building. He reportedly is in talks for a plea bargain.

Patrick Montgomery, 48, of Littleton  

Credit: U.S. Court Documents
Patrick Montgomery, 48, is accused of being part of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Like many of the other accused insurrectionists, social media images have played a role in Montgomery's arrest. 

According to court documents, he can be seen in online images standing inside the Senate Chambers in the Capitol. 

“We stormed the Senate,” Montgomery posted on social media, according to court documents. 

Credit: Facebook
A screenshot of a Facebook post from alleged insurrectionist Patrick Montgomery.

RELATED: Littleton man faces charges in US Capitol riot

Montgomery was allowed out of jail after his arrest for several criminal counts, including violent entry into the Capitol and disorderly conduct. According to court documents, however, he violated the terms of his pre-trial release when he fatally shot a mountain lion. The terms dictated that Montgomery could not possess a firearm.

Online, Montgomery’s social media presence indicates he owns a hunting guide business called Pmonte Outdoors. He lives near Littleton 

Jeffrey Sabol, 51, of Jefferson County

Credit: U.S. Court Documents
Jeffrey Sabol of Jefferson County is accused of pulling a U.S. Capitol officer down the stairs during the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021.

Sabol currently remains in custody and is accused of pulling a Capitol police officer down stairs, which allowed for the mob to attack the officer. 

According to court records, Sabol is a father of three children. He also works as a bomb technician. 

After the siege, court documents indicate Sabol tried to flee to Switzerland to avoid prosecution, however, before his flight, police in New York found him with several self-inflicted wounds. 

RELATED: 'Shocked and saddened': Family, friends of Capitol riot suspect surprised over accusations

RELATED: Colorado man accused of dragging officer down steps during Capitol riot indicted on 9 counts

When the FBI interviewed Sabol, he told them he was a “patriot warrior” and that he was fighting “tyranny” at the Capitol. 

Several friends and family members wrote letters on Sabol’s behalf in an effort to get him released from custody, including an unidentified Denver Police sergeant. 

Sabol has been indicted on nine counts and could face up to 20 years in prison.

Logan Grover, 43, of Erie

Grover was arrested in Erie in April, months after the riot.

On Jan. 21, the FBI received an anonymous tip that Grover had posted on Facebook that he flew to Washington and planned to participate in the protest at the Capitol, court documents say.

A screenshot of a Facebook post from Grover is included in the criminal complaint. It says in part, "I have no interest in violence. Sadly, I recognize that violence is highly likely," according to the complaint.

His post said he "accept[ed] the reality that the election was stolen" and could not accept Joe Biden as president.

"I can't see another video of families and children being attacked and terrorized by Antifa and [Black Lives Matter] thugs, knowing that I could do something to prevent it," the post also said.

Credit: FBI
A photo of Logan Grover at the US Capitol, according to the FBI.

FBI agents traveled to his home on Feb. 16 and attempted to interview Grover. He answered the door, but declined to speak with agents, a complaint says. However, investigators said from that interaction they recognized Grover from photos and videos taken inside and outside the Capitol on Jan. 6.

He was released from custody on a $10,000 bond.

Jacob Clark of Trinidad

An FBI warrant for Clark contains screenshots from videos that are purported to show him at the Capitol. 

According to the warrant, investigators were able to compare video images to a Colorado driver's license belonging to Clark and believed it was likely the same person. In addition, the warrant says someone came forward and reported that they had known Clark for many years and provided the FBI with a recent photo of Clark. That photo also appeared to match with the man seen in the video.

Credit: FBI
Jacob Clark "squares up" to an officer, according to a warrant for his arrest from the FBI.

Clark also called his brother and from inside the Capitol "verbally bragged" about being there, the warrant said. 

Investigators also said Clark was seen in a video shot inside the Capitol, in which he allegedly "engages in some shoving and punching with the officers." Clark then "squares up" with a plain-clothed Capitol Officer as three others officers retreat from the group, the warrant said. 

Clark was arrested and released from custody.

Timothy Wayne Williams, 38, of Trinidad

Per a warrant for Williams' arrest, he told investigators that he had been pushed inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 and wasn't involved in acts of violence.

Video shows Williams inside the Capitol Rotunda near a statue of Ronald Reagan, the warrant said, as well as inside the Capitol Crypt, where he appeared to take a "selfie."

Credit: FBI
Timothy Williams is circled in red.

Hunter Palm of Colorado Springs

A family member of Palm wrote a letter to the FBI claiming he was one of the people who entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6. While Palm claimed he was pushed inside, according to court documents, a warrant said Palm was shown on video walking inside freely.

In his eventual interview with law enforcement, Palm showed investigators videos and photos he took that day and stored on a flash drive. He also showed them the clothes he worked on that day including "a black hat with a white American flag with a blue stripe in the middle, and a blue and red flag with white stars and the words 'TRUMP”' and 'Keep America Great.'"

Palm can be heard in one of his videos shouting "Stop the steal," court documents said. In another, according to the warrant, Palm walks with a crowd toward House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office, with some people chanting her name and threatening her life.

The warrant said Palm himself entered the Speaker's conference room and allegedly opened the computer there, suggesting someone should hack into it. A picture included in the warrant purportedly shows Palm leaning back in a chair with his feet on the conference room table.

If you have any information about this story or would like to share a news tip, contact Jeremy Jojola at jeremy@9news.com

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