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Teens suspected of theft in Rosenberg car burglaries

Rosenberg police say six teenagers stole from at least 30 cars, including purses and even a pistol
Rosenberg police say six teenagers stole from at least 30 cars, including purses and even a pistol.

ROSENBERG – Lock up or pay the price.

That's what dozens of car owners are learning in Fort Bend County.

In fact, Thursday night Rosenberg Police showed us many of the items they recovered from unlocked vehicles, including purses and even a pistol. They are items police say six teenagers stole from at least 30 cars in the Summer Lakes subdivision.

"We got a lot of property back. We just don't have the owners for everything yet," said Lt. William Henry of the Rosenberg Police Department.

Cameras caught three of the teenagers walking down Summer Night Lane in front of one family's home. The camera pictures thieves opening the car door of Aimee Uribe's sister.

"There was money left in the middle console and her purse," Aimee said. "He waved all the other guys down because they were across the street and he waved them down and they all came and they all went through her vehicle."

Police say the teenagers responsible all live in the subdivision. Their MO was to try as many car doors as possible until they found ones that were unlocked. Charges are pending against the teenagers. Police say all of them have been in trouble with the law before.

"I don't think nothing of it but there could be people around here vandalizing our vehicles, breaking into our homes," Aimee added.

Investigators say it wasn't homes but cars—all of which were unlocked. Detectives said they found out who was behind these crimes when one of the unsuspecting teenagers ran right in front of a camera and showed his face.

"We were sitting there having our coffee," said Pat Patin, whose camera captured that incident.

Though his truck was never broken into, he and his wife were home and their car door was locked.

"You never think it's going to happen to you but you should never let your guard down," Patin added.

Police are urging everyone to do the same. It's advice Aimee is taking to heart.

"I just worry for the safety of my daughter," she added.

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