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Unique program in Fort Collins dispatches resource center to domestic violence calls

Crossroads Safehouse responded to more than 350 domestic violence calls in 2023.

FORT COLLINS, Colo. — Calls to 911 in Fort Collins sometimes get routed to a very different type of first responder. A domestic violence resource center employee gets dispatched after law enforcement responds to an incident - ready to help survivors before they ever have to ask for that specialized help.

"Going out sometimes at 2 a.m. to their house," Stacie Sutter, program manager at Crossroads Safehouse, said. "If the survivors headed to the ER for some medical care, we've gone to the hospital."

Crossroads Safehouse gets dispatched to immediately connect with a survivor of domestic violence. 

"We go out on the scene after law enforcement has investigated that case," Sutter said. "Oftentimes, they're making an arrest."

Sutter said their program called "DART" is an effective tool to make sure survivors get the support they need. Crossroads Safehouse responds to their front door instead of waiting for a survivor to call them. 

"Oftentimes, survivors feel so alone," she said. "They question whether people will believe them."

The DART team responded to more than 350 domestic violence calls in 2023. Crossroads Safehouse expects to handle even more cases this year. 

"It's always so hard to look at the numbers," she said. 

They know something bad has happened when that 911 call comes in. Sutter finds comfort in knowing Crossroads connects with people when they need it most. 

"That's 400 people that we were able to support that we were able to help," she said. 

Crossroads offers a variety of services - such as housing and crisis intervention - to all victims of domestic violence and intimate partner abuse. A legal team also helps clients navigate the court system. 

If someone believes they, or someone they love, may be a victim they should reach out to our 24/7 Hotline at 970-482-3535 or go to their website crossroadssafehouse.org. All of Crossroads’ services are free and confidential.

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