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Historic Elitch Theatre may make changes for the first time in 133 years after break in

The Historic Elitch Theatre has seen a lot throughout its 133 years, but this will be the first year it sees a security system in hopes this doesn't happen again.

DENVER — The Historic Elitch Theatre suspects a group of thieves broke in after doors were found open, and booze was stolen on July 2, 2024. 

The theatre said they took $200-300 worth of alcohol from their concessions area, and damaged a door on the roof that could cost thousands to replace. Denver Police said they haven't arrested anyone. 

"133 years, it was built in 1891," said the board president, Greg Rowley. "We really cherish this space, and so it felt weird to come in here and realize someone had been in here and just playing around and not respecting it." 

He thought a group got in overnight through the roof. 

"There's a door up there and we'd never even think to secure it because who would come through there, and they kicked it in," Rowley said. "Luckily now it's locked up and it's barricaded."  

Rowley also said it looked like someone climbed up a 70 foot ladder. 

"It was wide open and you can see the sunlight and all, so yeah, we knew they climbed up that," Rowley said. 

Rowley is thankful no one is hurt, as there are dangers that can't be seen in the dark, like the trap door on stage undergoing renovations. 

"That's about a 20 foot drop, and so yeah, middle of the night with no light in here, there's so many bad things that could have happened," Rowley said.  

All big risks for a small payoff. 

"They chose not to take anything else and just take the alcohol," Rowley said. "It was probably somewhere around $200-300 worth of beer and hard seltzers and things," Rowley said. 

The Historic Elitch Theatre plans to add a security system soon to prevent this from happening again. 

"I am bummed to have to do that, but it would seem we have to do that," Rowley said.  

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Someone broke into the theatre one week ago. Denver police say they have not arrested anyone.

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