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Where in The Town: Ensign Energy drilling

LA SALLE - EnsignEnergy Servicesis the third largest drilling contractor in North America -operating in the Rocky Mountain region, California, Pennsylvania, Louisiana and Texas. The Canadian-owned company employs approximately 1,000 people in Colorado.

<"twenty-five people="" are="" directly="" employed="" on="" any="" given="" rig,="" so="" we="" have="" about="" 25="" employees="" at="" [the="" la="" salle]="" location,"="" the="" vice="" president="" of="" marketing="" for="" ensign="" energy="" services,="" will="" matthews="" said.="" there="" are="" about="" 40,00="" oil="" wells="" right="" now="" in="" the="" state="" of="" colorado.="" "we="" are="" a="" drilling="" contractor,="" so="" we="" work="" for="" operators="" that="" have="" leased="" property="" and="" want="" to="" drill="" wells.="" in="" our="" case,="" here="" in="" colorado,="" we="" operate="" 18="" different="" drilling="" rigs.="" here="" in="" the="" u.s.="" combined,="" 115="" drilling="" rigs,"="" he="" said.="" technology="" has="" taken="" an="" important="" role="" in="" the="" advancement="" of="" oil="" drilling="" in="" the="" country="" and="" around="" the="" state.="" "this="" is="" one="" of="" these="" industries="" that="" has="" really="" evolved.="" for="" the="" public,="" we="" want="" to="" be="" good="" neighbors="" out="" there,"="" matthews="" said.="" "it's="" about="" being="" quieter="" and="" developing="" more="" opportunities="" generating="" energy="" for="" the="" country="" and="" doing="" a="" safer,="" quieter,="" better="" job."="" but="" the="" industry="" itself="" is="" a="" controversial="" one.="" critics="" say="" the="" rigs="" are="" going="" up="" too="" fast="" and="" in="" more="" locations="" than="" necessary.="" "when="" looking="" at="" any="" type="" of="" new="" exploration,="" you="" want="" to="" do="" it="" being="" a="" 'good="" neighbor'="" and="" that's="" what="" we="" do="" as="" an="" industry.="" what="" we="" are="" doing="" here="" at="" this="" location="" used="" to="" take="" 10="" or="" 12="" locations="" so="" we've="" really="" reduced="" the="" amount="" of="" space="" it="" takes="" to="" do="" this,="" making="" a="" smaller="" footprint,"="" he="" said.="">

Ensign doesn#39;t handle the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) part of the drilling process, but hydraulic fracking fluids used by the oil and gas industry have come under fire because of the potential harmful effects to the environment and humans. Critics maintain that fracking fluids - which can contain potentially toxic chemicals - are a risk to groundwater. Colorado plans to have a regulation in place by the end of the year requiring disclosure of the ingredients in hydraulic fracking fluids used by the oil and gas industry.

For more information about fracking click on the links below.






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