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Flamingos at Denver Zoo move outside for the summer

About 70 of the bright pink birds were taken to Flamingo Island on Thursday, where they'll spend the summer.
Credit: KUSA, Bobbi Sheldon

An unusual ritual took place Thursday at Denver Zoo.

About 70 flamingos were moved from their indoor winter habitat to the outdoors, where they'll spend the summer.

The bright pink birds live inside from late November to late April. Now that temperatures have been above freezing for a while, the flamingos will live in their outdoor island habitat, also known as Flamingo Island.

But before they could be taken to Flamingo Island, each bird had to be weighed, examined and given their annual vaccines.

They're a mix of American and Chilean flamingos, ranging from just over one-year-old to 60 years old – which is why they're all different shades of pink.

“It takes up to five years for these guys to get their full pink plumage,” Anton Morrison, a Denver Zoo bird keeper, said.

The flamingo parade also marks the beginning of breeding season.

“These guys have a little island with clay on it so they can build their own natural nests and mounds," Morrison said. "And they lay their eggs, and we allow them to raise their chicks out here."

Morrison said all the birds seemed to have good bills of health this year and that the flamingos catch people's eyes while inspiring visitors to learn more about animals at the zoo.

Credit: KUSA, Bobbi Sheldon

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