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CPW wants your input on future state parks

CPW will be taking public input until Aug. 15.

DENVER — Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is looking at the possibility of opening new state parks and they want input on what potential visitors would want to see in them. 

With the growing demand at the 41 state parks currently open, a release from CPW says they are "exploring opportunities" to open new ones. 

(The video above shows the tranquil beauty of one of Colorado's state parks, Rifle Falls)

"Colorado’s state parks are drawing more visitors every year," the release says. "On sunny weekends, state parks can have long lines waiting at the entrance gates."

As they look for places to expand, CPW is asking the public's help to identify places in Colorado that could be conserved and to weigh in on the criteria they are using to evaluating potential properties.

“As CPW considers possible new properties, we want to hear from the public about what characteristics and qualities they would like to experience at future state parks,” Dan Prenzlow, director of Colorado Parks and Wildlife, said in the release.

The current characteristics CPW is looking at when evaluating future state park locations are:

  • Outstanding nature-based recreation
  • Natural resource value and conservation
  • Meets Colorado’s needs
  • Relevance and community value
  • Financial sustainability

Those who want to weigh in, can comment on each, offer suggestions of criteria they think should be included and answer questions about what is most important to them when visiting a state park. 

You can access the Parks Criteria Public Comment Form here.

CPW will be taking public input until Aug. 15.

After, CPW said they will consider comments, revise criteria and present a final version to the Parks and Wildlife Commission and the public in September.

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