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Colorado pup named Aspen to compete in this year’s Puppy Bowl

Aspen the pup will represent Colorado in Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl XVI.

Colorado will once again be represented in the annual Puppy Bowl airing next weekend on Animal Planet.

This year’s Centennial State pup is an Australian Cattle Dog mix named Aspen from the Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue. 

Aspen and his seven littermates were found in Gallup, New Mexico, where their mother dug a hideout for them near a river and train tracks. They were transferred to Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue with their mother at just one week of age.

Aspen will join Team Ruff as they compete to win the Chewy.com Lombarky Trophy in Puppy Bowl XVI.

Aspen will also be one of seven puppies to be featured in the Puppy Bowl’s behind the scenes “Pup Close and Personal” segments. Aspen's segment was filmed on a trail in Estes Park.

Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue is the only rescue dog representing Colorado this year in the 2020 Puppy Bowl, which will air 1 p.m. Feb. 2 on Animal Planet. 

Aspen, like all the dogs in the Puppy Bowl, will be available for adoption after Super Bowl Sunday.

Good luck, Aspen!

RELATED: Team Ruff wins Animal Planet's 15th Puppy Bowl

RELATED: Colorado represented at Puppy Bowl XIV

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