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Is Pizza Squirrel Colorado's answer to Pizza Rat?

It was only a month ago that Pizza Rat became a viral star after a video of this relatable creature surfaced struggling to carry a slice of pizza down the stairs of a New York subway station.
Pizza Squirrel enjoying his bounty, though his eyes warn the photographer not to come near his pizza.

KUSA – It was only a month ago that Pizza Rat became a viral star after a video surfaced of this relatable creature struggling to carry a slice of pizza down the stairs of a New York subway station.

He was beautiful, he was majestic, but the fact remains: he was also a rat (not like there's anything wrong with that).

Enter Pizza Squirrel, a cuddly local soon-to-be icon.

We were first introduced to this creature by a 9NEWS viewer, who posted a photo of Pizza Squirrel on our Facebook page. He was spotted outside of a house in Lakewood, clutching a slice of pizza as if his life depended on it as he perched in a tree, seemingly content with life at that very moment.

And why wouldn't he be? After all, he had pizza. It appeared to be a beautiful day. He's in Colorado. He's basically living the dream.

A second photo of Pizza Squirrel shows his journey up to his perch, a slice of pizza in his mouth and a dream in his heart.

Much like how Pizza Rat apparently personified New York (don't believe us? He inspired countless online think pieces about this very subject), could Pizza Squirrel personify Colorado?

After all, Pizza Squirrel loves nature, much like many Coloradans. He's determined, something folks in our beautiful mountainous state know well. He likes to climb, if the photo of him climbing the tree while holding a rather large slice of pizza is any indication.

At this point, you may be wondering to yourself: Did I just read 250 words about Pizza Squirrel on a local news website (note: this story is not categorized as news)?

Yes, yes you did. But you shouldn't question why Pizza Squirrel happened. Simply be glad that it did.

For in some ways, we are all Pizza Squirrel (also, we obviously don't condone feeding junk food to wild animals). 

And since this is the Internet, here's the video of Pizza Rat, which has to be a metaphor for something:

(© 2015 KUSA)

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