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Adorable sea lion pup makes Denver Zoo debut

Flippers up! There's a new baby at the Denver Zoo making waves at the Northern Shores exhibit.
A baby sea lion born June 11 at the Denver Zoo.

DENVER - Flippers up! There's a new baby at the Denver Zoo making waves at the Northern Shores exhibit.

Born June 11 to parents Luci and Nick (of Nick's Picks fame), a baby sea lion pup is making his way into the world at the zoo's seal pool.

He doesn't have a name just yet. He is the first sea lion to be born at the zoo, and keepers say his mom is very attentive, eating 20 pounds of fish per day to ensure her pup gets nursed with milk high in nutrients.

This is Nick and Luci's second offspring. Big sister Ady was born in 2010.

At night, Luci will wake up her son to make sure he eats regularly, and she keeps a close eye on him at the seal pool.

The pup will nurse for about a year before transitioning to a diet of fish. He weighs in at about 20 pounds right now, and keepers say he is curious and independent.

He's beginning to swim, too, with his mom Luci leading training sessions at their pool and he enjoys making vocal, sheep-like noises.

Although pups can see and vocalize at birth they don't typically learn to swim for a week or two.

Adult male sea lions can weigh 500 to 800 pounds as adults, while adult females are between 200 and 250 pounds.

California sea lions are found along the west coast of North America from Baja California to British Columbia.

They are highly social animals, gathering in large groups called colonies.

Sea lions have streamlined bodies that allow them to swim at speeds of 25 to 30 miles per hour, in addition to remarkable vision that allows them to see well during the day and at night.

The seal pool at Northern Shores is located at the southern end of the Denver Zoo.

(KUSA-TV © 2015 Multimedia Holdings Corporation)

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