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Love the pregnant giraffe? Here are 9 other riveting live streams

For the past few weeks, the internet has spent a lot of time looking at a pregnant giraffe named April.

<p>April gets a visitor while on baby watch</p>

For the past few weeks, the internet has spent a lot of time looking at a pregnant giraffe named April.

We’re not calling this a good thing or a bad thing. This is just an observation about the human condition by someone who writes for a TV news website.

But, since the internet loves April and her “imminent” journey to motherhood so much, we thought we’d show you some other live streams, since that seems to be something people enjoy … and we care (also a quick public service announcement: Don’t Google “live webcams” on your work computer without being a little bit more specific).

WATCH: We know you still want to see the pregnant giraffe, so here you go

OTHER GIRAFFE: Dobby the surprise giraffe is Denver's April

NASA’s view of Earth from space

There’s nothing that makes you feel small and insignificant quite like seeing the Earth from the International Space Station.

Sure, this stream might present more of an existential crisis than April, but that’s something we all need at times:

Can’t see the stark reality of how insignificant you are in the universe? Click here: http://bit.ly/2mWqci4

Kitten Academy

Wow, that just got real.

Let’s take a step back from the philosophical ramifications of space and look at something a little bit more … adorable.

That’s right folks: A kitten live stream. This one is at an adoption facility in Illinois.

Can’t see the kittens? Our bad. Click here: http://bit.ly/2nsNBF8

Shark cam!

Maybe the kitten cam isn’t edgy enough for you. Maybe you need some fear on the live stream you’re watching instead of working (no judgment).

Enter: the shark cam. This shows live footage from beneath Frying Pan Tower, which is near an area known as the “Graveyard of the Atlantic.”

Are there pretty fish? Yes, but there are also sharks.

Can’t see the wonders of the world’s oceans? Click here: http://bit.ly/2mJuRDy

Shibuya scramble crossing

A lot of these live streams have focused on animals, but we can’t forget that people exist.

If you hate people, this live stream is not for you. And if you hate crowds, this could be your version of torture.

Shibuya Crossing gets busy. See what we mean in the video below!

Can’t see the explosion of social interactions? Click here: https://youtu.be/_9pavMzUY-c

Abbey Road

At some point in your life, you’ve probably been a tourist. That’s fine: but that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh at them anyway.

There’s no better place to do it than the Abbey Road live cam, where you can watch people spend their days trying to mimic the iconic crossing made by the Beatles.

(unfortunately, we can’t embed this one, so you’ll have to watch people do what you’d probably do in the same situation here: http://bit.ly/2n6CMMb)

Fort Lauderdale Beach

If you’re reading this, you probably aren’t sitting on a beach. That’s unfortunate.

So, why not pretend like you’re at the beach? That’s what the Fort Lauderdale Beach Place live camera is for! This gives you a scenic look at the ocean – and if you really squint, some people wearing bathing suits.

You can watch that live stream here: http://bit.ly/2mooMKa

Gettysburg Battle Cam

Ghostwatchers love to watch this web camera at night in search of strange apparitions and proof of the paranormal.

It’s also just a live look at an important place in American history, if ghosthunting isn’t your thing. Watch it here: http://bit.ly/2moMqpS

Eagle cam

This is something we’ve talked about before on 9NEWS.com. It’s literally just an eagles nest, and the internet loves it.

Can’t see the action and excitement? Click here! http://bit.ly/2n6xuAv

The 9NEWS live stream

Perhaps you aren’t near a TV while 9NEWS is on. There’s good news: that’s no longer an excuse not to watch your favorite local TV station! You can watch all of our shows on 9NEWS.com. A blue bar shows up during newscasts. Click on that and boom! You’re on your way to having the best day ever!

Maybe these weren't good enough for you ...

Perhaps none of these could compete with April (except for the 9NEWS live stream ... obviously).

If that's the case, you can watch April here -- at least until she finally has that baby (which, for weeks, has been "any day now"): http://on9news.tv/2msqw4W

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