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Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump Plays 'Deal or No Deal' in Hilarious 'Saturday Night Live' Cold Open

Alec Baldwin's Donald Trump Plays 'Deal or No Deal' in Hilarious 'Saturday Night Live' Cold Open
Credit: Will Heath/NBC/NBCU Photobank

Saturday Night Live returned from their holiday hiatus over the weekend, with a politically charged Cold Open mocking the ongoing government shutdown.

Alec Baldwin once again reprised his well-worn Donald Trump impression for a special edition of Deal of No Deal: Government Shutdown Edition, hosted by Steve Harvey (Kenan Thompson), who explained that they were getting the president to pay attention to the problem "in the only format you'd understand: A TV game show featuring women holding briefcases."

In this case, all those holding briefcases were members of senate and congress, many of whom have been instrumental in the ongoing political battle over the border wall.

Trump came out with his own offer first: "I want $5 billion for my border wall and I'll extend DACA, and i'll release the kids from cages, so they can be free-range kids."

Setting that as the bar for his goal, he first choice a case held by his longtime nemesis, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (Kate McKinnon), who's case offered, "$1 billion and you say 'Nancy's my mommy.'"

Trump had nothing but vitriol for Pelosi and as the pair awkwardly bickered, Harvey shared the same thought as everyone viewing at home: "This like watching two grandparents fight over the thermostat."

Trump chose briefcase holder Senator Chuck Schumer (Alex Moffat) next, who's first offer was simply, "Whatever you want."

"Chuck, Chuck, remember we're not doing that anymore?" Pelosi whispered. "No caving in."

Putting on his tough guy glasses, Schumer changed his offer to, "$15 and a pastrami on rye."

"Remember, every time you say no deal, a million federal employees go without getting paid," Harvey reminded the president.

"Cool story, bro. No deal," Trump declared, shutting down the offer without hesitation.

After rejecting offers from Maxine Waters, Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, Mitch McConnell and Corey Booker, before turning to a member of the Clemson Tigers -- the NCAA Champions who were served fast food at the white house earlier this week.

While the player (Pete Davidson), wasn't technically holding a briefcase, he was holding a case of White Castle "hamberders" (as Trump recently tweeted), and that was more than enough to get Trump to agree to restart the government and get everyone back to work.

Saturday Night Live airs Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. PT/ 11:30 p.m. ET on NBC.


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