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Top concern for Colorado: the New Mexico border?

We had to do a double-take at a survey sent out by candidate for governor Walker Stapleton.
Screenshots for Stapleton for Governor

It works for The Voice and America's Got Talent, so why not Colorado politics? Ask the people to vote and see what you get.

Walker Stapleton is a Republican running for Governor, and just like those reality shows do, he's crowdsourcing.

He sent out a survey to those signed up for his campaign emails, asking for people to pick the top issue facing Colorado in 2018. One of the options is "Securing our Southern Border."

Screenshots for Stapleton for Governor

That caught Next's attention; should we be concerned for the people living in Trinidad and Durango? Since, you know... the southern border that a Colorado governor would worry about is the border with New Mexico.

Screenshots for Stapleton for Governor

We reached out to the Stapleton campaign to find out if there's something we need to be concerned about with New Mexico, particularly the people close to the border towns of Raton, Dulce or Farmington.

A campaign spokesman told Next, "You got us. That's funny."

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